A-Z Self Love Affirmations

Recently, I’ve struggled with aggression from my four year old. He hits me and most troubling of all, will tell me, “Hit me!” We don’t hit our children and hearing this makes it even more heartbreaking and troubling. We were having a little cub and mama bear moment on the bed wrestling and tickling when…

Parent-Child Insta-Calm

“Try Parent-Child Insta-Calm!” This un-patented way to calm your child from a tantrum, put your babe to sleep, provide recourse after an overwhelming event, or simply reinstate sanity from a long day can also calm YOUR soul and make YOU an, overall, more pleasant individual. It’s tailored and designed specifically for you and your child!…

When being a mother is enough…

Let me start off by saying that this post isn’t to convince anyone of the importance of the stay-at-home mother or to list all of her duties (I surely hope we’ve risen above all of the misconceptions). It’s to shed a different perspective in the mist of the insatiable desire to constantly want more or…